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Monday 3 December 2012

Shark Fin Ban Overturned

Do you agree or disagree with the Ontario Superior Court's decision to overturn the Toronto ban on shark fin products. Referring to the article and Sharkwater give reasons to support your opinion.

Yesterday, December 2nd, the Toronto Star published an article on the very event. I disagree entirely however understand some of the views of the oposing side. True it came across as racist, targeting the Chinese comunity by banning a part of their culture however it was a council member of Chinese herritage who proposed the ban in the first place so unless the oposition meant to call her a heritic or something along the lines of one, they've taken the ban the wrong way. Ivory has been on ban for a while now and it was established to help the elephants. Practically no one in Toronto or Canada objected, or more they did it without the rage and uproar of the media on the subject and that ban was placed to protect elephants. Why has the Shark fin industry become so big and massive and powerful?
One of the arguments was that they (Toronto councilors) didn't ban anything else from different cultures that showed harm towards animals or other things but who's to say they didn't have a list of intended bans and this was the first to be passed. The oposing side has now set the bar of what can be done and now it's expected there may be a roar in North Vancouver and Calgary where Shark Fins have also been banned. This isn't just for Shark Fins either, if the councilors did intend to place a ban on anything else, who's to say now those groups it works againsty won't rise as well and challenge to have the ban overturned?
The first domino has been tipped and now it's only a matter of time before this one taps the next.

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