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Thursday 25 April 2013

BC NDP April fools Attack ad against their own leader

1. Do you think that the NDP April Fools attack ad, verses their own leader was an effective tool for drawing attention to the ridiculousness of attack adds?
Not at all, I think the idea of them poking fun at themselves and the political injustice that apparently comes hand in hand with elections now is nothing but Canadian. As a country, one of our greatest stereotypes is that we apologize too much and are able to laugh at ourselves for nearly anything. The fact that the NDP party can appreciate the puns and jokes that come with attack ads is entertaining and shows that their party is a little more humanized and are able to appeal to the public.Poking fun at their own leader, so far, hasn't shown to down them in anyway, if not it makes them the better party for not being so offensive towards the other parties. 

2. What makes this particular add effective or ineffective?

The NDPs are doing the work for the other parties by attacking themselves which is what makes this ad os amusing and so effective. Usually the idea of attack ads are repulsive to most Canadians and is shunned upon (for example, the newest Attack Ads against Justin Trudeau), the idea that they've twisted this is what brings attention to it. Overall, it's an effective way of marketing their leader and party. 

Found in 180 podcast 

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