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Tuesday 14 May 2013

An Informed Perspective: Tumblr

While the rest of the world is on Facebook and Twitter for almost 20 hours of their lives, I am on Tumblr for nearly 26 (One of the topics is time travel, so it's totally possible). Tumblr is another social media website, created by David Karp and was designed for photo sharing along with the advantages of being able to post text, music, links and quote posts as well as being able to fully customize the layout of your blog to your personal taste. Tumblr has developed into something so much more, including so much more and it makes it such a usable website to such a wide audience, myself included.

I use Facebook for the games and the occasional status update and group planning event, as well as stalking my friends photos while they're on vacation, and I hardly use Twitter finding the character count is ridiculous to convey anything I want to say without needing to review and trim my original message. Tumblr!
On Tumblr you have your main categories of blogs: Personal/Hipster, Professional, Writing, Fandom. I happen to have all of them (Personal and Hipster being the same category, and mine being a personal blog).

A Personal blog is pretty much just you, you post what you want to post when you want to post it. This can include photos you find on the site and want to reblog, or just the most randomest things that make you who you are. A Hipster blog is filled with Galaxy print and crosses and meaningful text on random backgrounds. "They knew cool before it was cool". Fandom blogs and Hispter blogs have taken their two different sides of the spectrum of Tumblr, it's rather entertaining to listen to us squabble over things. (Another joy of Tumblr over Facebook and Twitter, this wouldn't be able to happen on those sites).
Professional blogs include artists, photographers, advertisers and people who own their own business and use Tumblr as their main website/blog. You can also find DIY blogs under this category and 'How Tos'.
Writing blogs are what I specialize in on Tumblr. In this category you will find yourself drenched in the world of literature, fan fictions, personal works and of course, Role Play blogs. This is where I get to have my fun and run away from reality along with millions around the world to interact with.
Finally Fandom blogs. Once entering the world of Tumblr, you are hit with Fandom blogs. You may imagine it's like a normal person walking into a hospital for crazy fangirls while the roof is on fire and slowly consuming the entire building (that's one of the Tumblr jokes). To sum up a Fandom blog, it's exactly what it sounds like. A fan blog for something. Usually these consist of television shows, movies and actors. The 'Big Three' of Tumblr is BBCs Doctor Who, BBCs Sherlock and Supernatural. Together, these create what Tumblr users call SuperWhoLock. Tumblr also hosts fandom blogs to other popular shows such as the Vampire Diaries, Glee, Elementary, Torchwood, Avatar and a whole lot more what would take more twitter posts than Facebook could handle. Movies include things such as Harry Potter, The Avengers (And pretty much Marvel and DC in all), The Dark Knight Trilogy, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and once again, many, many more. Fandoms on Tumblr post GIF files and still images of their favorite moments in their fandom seconds after it happened live on TV (this is a constant for Doctor Who).

That's it for the main blogs. There are still a lot more out there, but that's for you to find out. Tumblr's also a little underground, which is why so many people like it (Hipsters especially because they had a account before it was cool). The next story about Tumblr and the different kind of media you'll find on it is one of a more mature matter and closer to the heart then a show, movie, hobby or job you obsess over.

Tumblr is a community, an international one where I personally have met some of the most amazing people in the world (My 'Group of Seven' as we call ourselves consists of myself, another Canadian from Vancouver, a Scottish gal, two English peeps, a Swede and a Texan. You can say they're my best friends and we constantly have Skype chats with one another). It's also a support group. Constantly on my dashboard I will see posts about Suicide Hotlines and those who have either mentioned the thought or are seriously considering it. I've been effected by this personally by a friend who's had some trouble and she needed a friend, so a friend for her I became. People post about their life and you will either get one of two things, hate messages or messages saying to ignore them, look in a mirror and see how wonderful you are. Together the community of Tumblr likes to think they save lives, which they do.

Tumblr has become so much more than David Karp ever intended, but so did Facebook and Twitter when they were first standing up on their feet. You still find problems, because it's the internet, where are there not problems" But you find a lot of good things too. One of my favorite quotes in Doctor Who, which the Fandom blogs of Tumblr has pretty much voted as Tumblr's motto is:
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant. 
~Vincent and the Doctor (2010) 

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