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Monday 7 January 2013

Remember These Days Seltzer Man: Documentry

1. Describe the ways different people in the Documentary behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed.
The seltzer man in the documentary, who was the featured character valued his family as well as tradition and his work. Constantly speaking about his Grandfather and his Father at the beginning of the documentary, he introduced the fact that he was continuing with their work, going on the same route and using the same 90 year old bottles.

2.  How much do you agree or disagree with the ways in which they behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed?
How he behaved was very inspiring, how dedicated he was to his work was admirable however when it came to the topic of his current family, his wife who was only mentioned once and his boys who were mentioned a few times, it was rushed. When his first kid was born, he said he was there at the hospital and then when he saw his boy all clean up and pretty, he had to leave and finish his route. The values of his past family were strong and well spoken of but when on the topic of his current family, it seemed his work outweighed them, or at least this is how it came aross in the documentary.

3.  Was there anything about the Documentary that was biased or omitted? If there was, why do you think things may have been left out?
Back to the topic of family, he barely spoke about his wife. His kids were mentioned a few times, when he spoke briefly of his first childs birth and then again on them taking over the business if they wanted to. His wife was only mentioned the one time though, besides that left out. His work was the main focus of the documentary and that was the only side of him we received. Yes we got some of his family life but that was all connected to his work and his values of the saltza and the bottles.

4.  How did things like music, lighting, editing, statistics, expert opinions, news footage, celebrity opinions, testimonials (characters directly addressing the camera) and the various conventions of documentary affect your opinion of what you were viewing?
The artistic aspects of the documentary and the different techniques used such as lighting, filming and music brought a mood, quality and respect to the film. The most noted example was the filming of the bottles, when they were being cleaned and stored. The angle was a simple pan shot that blurred out the background and showed a crystal clear bottle with clear reflections and proper lighting. It brought a beauty to them that appeared over and over again. The music in the documentary was simple and not over used. The first example was moreso at the opening when the jazzy tune brought in the swing of the route when showing him in his truck while the last clip of music was more sudude and meaningful as it brought in the finals words.

5.  What is the overall message of the documentary? Is the message effectively conveyed to the audience?
The overall message of this documentary is family, respect and tradition. [Everyone wants someone knew, but these bottles have been here for 90 years and this world works on stability] is the just of what he was saying. On the topic of cellphones and how his kids always wants what's new, he brought in the idea of the bottles and how even though they aren't as new as they were, there are still people who depend on them and need them.

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