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Thursday 17 January 2013

Ivory Wars: Last Stand in Zakouma (Presentation Preperation)

Documentary- Ivory Wars: Last Stand in Zakouma by Micheal Nichols and J. Micheal Fay

1. Describe the ways different people in the Documentary behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed. Replay an element from the film to support your opinion.
The various values first are positive and respectful towards the national park in Zakouma, the photographer finding the life beautiful as he travelled to capture it. However the tables turn in view point when the topic of elephant tusking is introduced and the poachers brought in as the main antagonist of the documentary and message. The values shown by the armed guards of the national park in Zakouma are the elephants safety seeing as it's their job to protect them and the boarders of the park. The values of the poachers waiting along the border for the elephants are money: The tusks of an elephant, the ivory in them will sell for quite a bit on the Black Market. (Guards not following and Poachers right on the borderline of the park waiting)
2.  How much do you agree or disagree with the ways in which they behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed? Explain your feelings and point of view by replaying an element to support your opinion.
I've always been disgusted of elephant tusking and shark finning, anything that involves killing something for one part of them and disposing of the rest in an inhumane manor. (We however as humans do this to the earth all the time so in someone else's point of view I could be considered a heretic.) The idea of greed to take away something’s life for one thing, and sell it out of greed for money isn't a value I agree with. There are more humane and honorable ways to make a living and killing isn't one of them.
(Quote about the poachers- "Expense is paid by the look in their eyes")
I do agree with protecting the elephants however I don't believe they need to be protected by humans, we've created a bit of a civil war on such matters as these don't you think? Human on Human. I completely disagree with the idea that the elephants are only protected when inside the park; if it was a mission to protect the elephants then the guards should travel with them instead of leave them when they move to find better food that the designated spot couldn't offer. (Replay part when guards don't follow elephants)

3.  Was there anything about the Documentary that was biased or omitted? If there was, why do you think things may have been left out?
The side of the poachers was left out, most likely to make them the antagonist in the viewer's eyes and create a loving mutual bond with the elephants featured.

4.  How did things like music, lighting, editing, statistics, expert opinions, news footage, celebrity opinions, testimonials (characters directly addressing the camera) and the various conventions of documentary affect your opinion of what you were viewing? Replay an element from the film that demonstrates one of the conventions of documentary film making.
The music played when the elephants were being featured was more of a contemporary jazz___ There weren't any real testimonials or celebrity opinions however the editing and the graph of the elephants trail was a rather engaging aspect and part of the documentary. It was neat to see the red dots travel so far and the weekly markers come up but then the dots stopped and started blinking in one spot, you didn't need the commentary to realize that it meant the elephants had been found and killed. (Replay area) It engaged to a level of intensity, almost like a video game to me. I was fascinated, always hoping they'd turn back to safety but test the limits of how far freedom would let them live until finally it was game over with no restarting the level or going back to the last checkpoint. The use of lighting and editing on the images of the animals and wildlife brought them beauty and dazzle while the images of the poachers used that are slightly out of focus and blurred around the edges with poor quality show the side they want to expose of them. (Replay example)

5.  What is the overall message of the documentary? Is the message effectively conveyed to the audience? Choose one point in the film that demonstrates effective communication of the overall message.
The overall message of Ivory Wars is raising awareness of the situation and to further the cause to stop it. The final quote of the documentary is:
"Zakouma's future as a wildlife refuge depends on the continuing dedication of its guards. And support from the outside world." And gives a bit of a push, like most documentaries with a cause to promote it or do something yourself to assist with the situation.

Photograph by Michael Fay

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