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This blog was created for a Media course as a way to hand in work and assignments by posts. Posts to this blog will consist of assignments and course work.

Monday 4 February 2013


1.Cut and paste one spoof ad from Adbusters and explain the meaning of the Advertisement.

This ad speaks volumes about today's values and modern pop culture. Personally I can name every brand on the left side while only three leaves match a name in my mind on the right. The meaning is to say that we as people individual and as a society are cut off from nature and too far in deep with marketing and consumerism. Be it that we spend too much time in the city and shopping malls are taking over the trees and small parks within the downtown and greater area, or that we've lost the essential knowledge of nature the ad is effective.

2.How does the spoof ad change the original intended message of the company?
The spoof ad has the company logos drawn like an elementary school kid would as well as the leaves on the opposite side. It changes the logos to make them look more simple and reserved like the leaves and it shows just how recognizable they are that even if they aren't drawn full scale or colored like how we know them, they are still more recognizable than leaves we see everyday. For example, the leave that's in the top left corner is a maple leaf, what Canada's flag is known for and what we see every day. I asked the person next to me what it was and they couldn't tell me but they could tell me what the Nike symbol was right off the bat.
3. Do you think the  spoof ad is effective in making consumers question the original message of the company?
It does make you think twice about how we regard brands in today's society compared to the nature that is supposedly surrounding us. 
4. Do you agree or disagree with the sentiment of the spoof ad? 
I agree with the statement completely that we know pop culture more than we do nature and what surrounds us. 
Another ad that shows the same message, that we know modern irrelevant things that the media conveys almost 24/7 is this: Name the people we should be learning about for the things they've done vs. name the people we know for doing stupid things and being famous in today's pop culture. 

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