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Thursday 14 February 2013

Adbusters: Starbucks

 Starbucks was in the news in November of 2008 due to the concerns of environmentalists and those concerned over the world's fresh and clean water supply. Beside (or above, however your browser accepts this webpage) is an Adbusters spoof ad that I've made in Photoshop as part of this unit and assignment. The text reads: (Top) We'll waste the rest of the world's fresh water supply to give you the highest in sanitary heath standards in our mission to provide you with over priced coffee. As it's probably obvious, I'm not a Starbucks person. I much prefer Tim Horton's and a good University fund.
"A controversy erupted last week when a United Kingdom newspaper reported that millions of gallons of water was being wasted by Starbucks each day because of its policy of keeping taps running non-stop at thousands of stores around the world."
Was the first paragraph in the article from Greenbiz and was pretty much the sum up of the article. With the world's fresh water supply only being 10% and most of it being unattainable, are we really able to throw our precious resource away like this? Yes sanitary standards are a major concern, especially with big companies and corporations however the environment should take bigger claim over decisions than egos.

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