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Thursday 28 February 2013

Oxfam and Behind the Brands: Mondelez

1) Choose one of the big ten companies showcased in the Oxfam Behind the Brands website. What is its humanitarian score?
I found it more than difficult while scrolling through all the brands to find one that was over 50%. The grand total: 1, it's score being 54%. A pass, but still a fail to most. The company and brand I chose was Mondelez, specifically it's brand Cadbury. It's overall score is 29% leveling out to be 'Poor' on the scales the website has created. 

2) What areas did the company score the lowest points in?

Cadbury and Mondelez scored its lowest point in 'Land', its score being 1. With the score of 2, was 'Women' and 'Water' while the other 4 areas scored in 3s and 4s. 

3) What are the different methods that Oxfam has given you through the site to affect global market behaviors?
There is the link to send a message to Canada's governor to the World Bank, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. Another way is the petitions you can sign against various companies and actions they make as well as the option to join the GROW Campaign. 

4) How can you change the behaviors of large corporations?
Using today's media as an advantage, it's easy to spread the word via. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest or email. This gets you into forms and debate online which has a much wider audience on an international scale than it used to. There you can speak with people who share your concerns and spread the message around. 
Writing letters are always an option for more of an individual protest and way to voice your concern, however campaigns are usually more effective as the massive swarm of voices heard can make yours more than just an echo in an empty room. This works as more of a formal protest and respectable one however if a company continues to ignore the voices of their consumers, boycotting is an option as well as a public demonstration (no violence intended here, just a group of people showing what they care about- violence can turn your message the other way and lose you supporters). Phone calls are also an option, though old fashioned and rarely noticed. There are many ways to get in contact with companies, the CEO is the better figure to be in contact with as supposed to a representative as your message will go to the top right away. 

5) Put a link to the Oxfam site in your blog entry. 

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