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Wednesday 20 February 2013

Reddit and Worldstarhiphop vs. Freedom of Speech

Read the two articles that criticize Worldstarhiphop and Reddit and answer the following questions.
Article Criticizing Reddit  ||  Article Criticizing Worldstarhiphop

1. How do we find a balance between free speech and hate speech on the internet? Should all websites have a moderator to censor content that is unfit for viewing?
Yes, I believe websites should have at least two or three moderators if I'm honest with myself. Through personal experience, being the host and moderator to a blog, I know that when stress builds up you can make impulsive decisions (mostly when hate comments come in, replying to them with a sassy attitude that doesn't really give a damn about what they say when really the question should be deleted) that hinder the effect and professional reputation a blog can have. In the last few months, I've recruited a co-host to assist me in what the blog was created for (It's a writing blog) and she and I both work off one another so we can continue the professional appearance the blog has. 
Regarding the articles: The people of the internet believe they can push the boundaries society has set concerning responsibility and rights and have managed to put both aside when it comes to posting opinions. As one of the most famous lines in Comic Books goes (Marvel's Spiderman- Uncle Ben), "With great power comes great responsibility". This I find applies to these situations. People with power believed they can say what they wish when in reality, this is far from the truth. If an article on the internet, or a video or any source material shows something that can be offensive to someone on a personal discriminatory level, I believe then that it is inappropriate and should be looked over by a moderator. 
2. Should there be a law banning people from uploading videos of abuse and illegal acts.

I believe there should be yes. However appealing to this matter on a different side, internet videos have helped multiple investigation services find those responsible for a crime or act. For example, there was a video a few years ago of a group of young men breaking into a car and smashing it up. Within 24 hours the police found and arrested each individual because they uploaded the video to Youtube. Now this is simply stupidity when trying to commit a crime in hopes to get away with it in my humble opinion. Looking back on my initial view though, the boys probably wouldn't have gotten the idea of break into the car in the first place if there weren't already videos posted on the internet of others committing the same act. The question has multiple answers, each with valuable facts and reasons behind them however mine remains at yes, there should be a law against posting videos and abuse and illegal acts to the internet. 
3. Does having sites like Worldstarhiphop and Reddit do anything to add to our culture and society or they simply a reflection of the darkest part of our society?

This question is a difficult one to answer, I believe there can be multiple ways to answer it, very much like the question above. It would be ideal to think they only show the darkest part of our society and contribute nothing to our culture however like most thoughts regarding such a matter, the ideal isn't the reality. The culture of 'hip-hop' has been taken far away from that of what I believe was the original intention. The videos on the internet and the articles and opinions posted spark a thought in others heads that think this kind of behavior is acceptable and right. This thought sparked creates the next set and generation of acts that follow along in their prior's footsteps, this being said, yes these acts today have and will add to our culture. 

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