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Wednesday 6 February 2013

American Apparel and Adbusters

1. Choose an article that is critical of the actions or behaviors of a major corporation or popular company or icon and post a link to your blog. 

2. What is the intended message of the article?

The intended message is to show the CEO of American Apparel's side of the mess that was created when American Apparel launched an ad after hurricane Sandy releasing a 20% off sale to the nine states most effected by the storm. The writer of the article does have some biased towards the situation however when the interview was conducted the replies given by Dov Charney are nothing but acceptable and empathetic. He does what he does and he apologizes in his own words while keeping a professional ere by saying "We've never claimed to be a perfect advertiser. Our heart is always in the right place. We’re just trying to bring a little value to everyone. It’s all about fun.". 

3. Are you surprised by the content of the article? Is there anything in the article that you were not already aware of?

I was surprised to hear the side of the CEO of the company and what he had to say on the matter. I was aware, being a shopper at American Apparel as well as having multiple friends who work in the stores on the floor and back in stock that the ads are said to ere on the side of pornography to some extent. "The clothing retailer, long criticized for using porn imagery to hawk underwear and T-shirts..."

4. How do you think you can change the original intended message of the company or to question the ideals of the company you have chosen?
The intended message of the company is generally classified as fashion and spreading it however the way they advertise is already enough to put people off without the need for controversy in the news. 

5. Post a link to a print ad that is currently presenting the companies image to the public.

Ad 1
Ad 2 (website- can see any ad posted)

6. Post an Adbuster spoof ad that is critical of the company.

The ad isn't necessarily a spoof but instead is a letter from Adbusters to American Apparel and in response a letter to the editor back from the company. 

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