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Monday 4 March 2013

Post- Modernism: Here There Be Dragons

1. Give one example of a Media Text that  was outlined in the article Post-Modernism Theory into Practice. 
The novel series, The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica: Here There Be Dragons written by James A. Owen. Fantasy.
The series is comprised of 7 books:
  • Here There Be Dragons
  • Search for the Red Dragon
  • The Indigo King
  • The Shadow Dragons
  • The Dragon's Apprentice
  • The Dragons of Winter
  • The First Dragon

2. Choose one key feature of Post-Modernism and explain how your media text is an example of that key feature.

The Novel series as a whole demonstrates the key feature of 'Intertextuality'. Intertextuality is Post-modern texts that frequently  refer to, borrow from, other texts, often for the purpose of bringing new meaning to both texts- the one referred to and the one referring. The contexts of the book and genre is fantasy, about a group of adventurers, for lack of a better word, who travel in the hopes and mission of keeping a book safe (one of the group is the protector and it is his job to guard the book- the Imaginarium Geographica). The characters themselves are revealed at the end of the first book (Spoiler alert!) to be the writers of the stories James A. Owen took bits from as a form of credit to them. The authors include JRR Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, CS Lewis, author of Narnia, and Charles Williams, author of War in Heaven.
Capturing the various species and characters that are treasured and beloved from the other series, Narnia especially with the fauns and talking animals, James A. Owen brought a new enjoyment to his series with the anticipation of seeing a character from another text and his interpretation of them. 

(Please Note: If you are a reader of this fabulous series, I apologize for the brutality of this explanation  I would love to go into an in dept analysis however, spoilers would be in every line. I do recommend this book and the series for any literature lover of fantasy or the texts and authors above.) 

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