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Thursday 21 March 2013

Post-Modernism: The Simpsons 138th Episode

1) The Simpsons was one of the first Post-modern Cartoons, name three Key Aspects of Post-modernism that are evident in this episode. 
The most evident aspects are: Intertextuality, Parody and Satire and Non-linearity (after all, it was a review and replay of some of the best scenes and flashbacks to the first episodes)

2) Name some of the intertextual references that can be seen throughout this episode of the Simpsons.

One of the references in the episode was, Clue (to some extent) with the episode references to 'Who Killed Mr. Burns' when they reviewed hidden footage and the multiple animated reels they had to prevent any leaks of the real killer. Another reference in the 138th episode in particular was____________

3) It is said that Post-Modern texts are self-referential and self aware. Describe how this episode is self aware.
This episode in particular is self aware (self aware being the fact the show or text knows it's a text and/or show) because it starts off with none other than Troy Mcclure introducing himself as such and welcoming the live studio audience to the 138th episode. He narrates the episode and introduces the clips to us, the audience, throughout the episode and gives the fun facts about each one as they play.

4) Name two other cartoons that are influenced by the Simpsons.

There are more then two, that is for sure. Family Guy (along with American Dad, same creator) as well as Futurama (created by the same man who does the Simpsons). 

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