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This blog was created for a Media course as a way to hand in work and assignments by posts. Posts to this blog will consist of assignments and course work.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Post-Modernism: South Park

Choose three key aspects of Postmodernism and blog about how they apply to this episode of South Park. 

  1. Distrust: The episode we watched in class circulated around the topic of illegal downloading (and Christian Rock). The authority we see are the police, both in the station with the main interrogator along with the SWAT team (I think it was SWAT...). When introduced to the SWAT team, busting in through the windows after the boys downloaded a few albums illegally by the internet, they took them down, raised guns and loud voices- very much how it's always depicted in the movies. 
  2. Intertextuality: Erick in the episode, when writing the music for his Christina Rock band, took real song lyrics and crossed out a few words and replaced them with 'Jesus', 'Lord', etc. The song titles played in the ad for the album were all spoofs of very real songs 'Three Times My Savior', 'I didn't die yesterday', etc. 
  3. Currency: When the episode first aired in 2004, the illegal downloading of music was a serious problem and a huge issue. The contemporary theme of South Park, choosing to go after current topics and issues brings a new light in a parody way to the general public. As we laugh, we also start to realize (it's a little like George Carlin to me). 

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