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Tuesday 23 October 2012

U.S. Debate in Boxing on Twitter

#Obama just landed a great right hook...."There's also less horses and bayonets"..(When Romney talked of fewer ships than 1917)
Tweeted by: Steph Bitten (Canada: London, Ontario)

There's always wonderful comentary on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and really any social media site. The third 'round' of the US precidency debate was turned into a boxing match via Twitter by the use of analogies and funny references.
The quote above is one of my favourites out of the ones that I saw from this list here. It's short, sweet and shows how invalid some of Romney's points can be. Personally, boxing has never been my thing and I don't usually keep up on it along with a lot of other sports but the use of it for the debate was rather clever and brilliant. "In the red corner we have Romney and in the blue corner we have Obama!"
And then of coarse the memes come to highlight the best lines. One created around this line, is a gif to one of my favourite American Revolution movies.
On Tumblr, everyone was cheering at this 'right hook' however more then half of my main dashboard (home screen/newsfeed) was filled with others wanting him to make a comment along the lines of "Yes but you're also someone who wanted to know why they couldn't roll down an airplane window."
Let the American Elections Continue!

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