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Friday 2 November 2012

Moore's newest election ad

Link: http://www.torontosun.com/2012/10/30/michael-moore-makes-funny-ad-for-obama

Now whether Moore's video helps the Democratic campeign or picks away at it is an opion unique to every voter in the United States. My personal opinion on it is that is speaks to the younger generation with the attitudes and language given and it also speaks to the older generations given the people in the ad (veterans and survivors of World War 2 in a retirement home). It can either help the campeign, voters agreeing with the message and interpreting it to the full extent to support it, or on a lesser side, others can look at it as a joke and completely disregard it or change their loyalty in politicians.
One image that I believe spoke volumes more then this ad by Moore was a simple image of a protest I found on tumblr. It was of a group of young women dressed in the typical suffragettes outfits and holding one big sign protesting the idea of taking away women's voting rights. Now the twist on this and the story behind the image was that there was another older women beside them holding her own sign and wearing almost th exact same clothing they were. This women was alive in World War 2 and was along the first women who were able to vote and were granted that right. She was wearing her own clothing from that time that she'd kept and her sign read;
"I've already needed to protest this once, why amd I doing it again?"
I believe that speaks volumes more then this rather 'joke' of an ad for Obama. I do understand Moore's intentions and that my beliefs and ideas are different then some/most Americans so maybe this ad does work for them. As I said before "Moore's video helps the Democratic campeign or picks away at it is an opion unique to every voter in the United States"

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