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Friday 23 November 2012

Who killed the electric car?

1.   Describe the ways different people in the Documentary behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed.
The different values displayed were those of environmentalists and the co-creators of the EV1s as well as those of a higher power such as the government and the oil and car companies. The way they acted were connected to their views and values; the car and oil companies were against the electric car because if it did blow up into a success, they would loose profit in their companies and the car companies played as pawns seeing the oil companies are their magor supporters. As for the electric car supporters and manufacturers, they challenged the higher power because they believed that the electric car was a better alternative and the hope of a cleaner and better future; however what's good for us doesn't always get to us. It seems greed and self-preservation usually get in the way...
2.  How much do you agree or disagree with the ways in which they behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed? Explain your feelings and point of view.
I agree with the environmentalists and suporters of the electric car, because I believe that the future can be brighter, and will be brighter. One day we're going to run out of oil; that is an inevitable fact that most still haven't come to terms with. The race is to see whether we run out of oil first or we destroy our planet with it before we do. I disagree with the companies because they turned down a new alternative because of greed and self-preservation. I disagree with the government for taking a biased side. I do agree with the environmentalists for not giving up and standing up for what they believe in.
3.   Was there anything about the Documentary that was biased or omitted? If there was, why do you think
things may have been left out?

The documentary was biased towards the electric car and all of its benefits to society and the environment. I would have liked to find out a little more about any possible technical flaws and why they weren't advertised on a grand scale. They came across as a mystery and why was a constant question streaming through my head. Obviously these points may have been left out to make the electric car seem supirior in that aspect compared to the other alternatives.
4. How did things like music, lighting, editing, testimonials  (characters directly addressing the camera), statistics and higher powers and the various conventions of documentary affect your opinion of what you were viewing?
Regarding the music, lighting and editing: These were all well done in the sense that they made you understand how grave the matter could come across as to a supporter of the electic car. The funeral styled music evoked a certain mourning that the electric car and sympathy towards those who supported it.
Regarding the testemonials and higher powers: The testimonials did what they alwasy do in documentaries; they made you think. They gave you two sides of one battle and they made you try to choose a side (and with the biased in the documentary and subjective viewpoint, this was rather easy). The higher powers that we met though were three celebrities who had a brief say on the matter (these clips were from interviews, television media sources and testimonials). Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson and Ex-govenor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger were all for the electric car which could and would appeal to those who idolized these actors and their works.
As far as statistics were concerned they brought a sense of urgency to the documentary. We've all heard about these problems with the environment however only few know just how important a new alternative is (we're running out of oil and coal and we're not going to be getting anymore soon)

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