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Tuesday 6 November 2012

Landslide for Obama... in Canada

The question posed and answered in trending Canadian media this week is all on the American Election, specifiically why Obama is so popular in Canada and why is it that without a doubt he would win by a landslide.
Canada's far right wing party of the Conservatives are more on the left wing or center to the American lines and platforms. Womens rights are still much respected and counted for and it would be a death sentence to take away voting rights for women or even mention that was an idea. Canada's conservatives, as conservative as they may be to the Liberals and NDP parties of Canada, would in - personal opinion - be closer to the Democrats in the United States. This being said, Canada in all parties along the lines would fall to the Democratic side of the American spectrum which is why most in Canada say they would vote Democrat.
Voters is the next thing to be said about this electiona and all elections. Voting is a right and a privellege seeing as many countires and people are both fighting and dying to hold and obtain the right we first world countries take for granted. The U.S.A and Canada both have some of the lowest voter turn outs compared to the UK and Australia. Personally I didn't know until a few years ago that Australia had a fine for not voting of I believe around $20 USD (research: yes it's $20 and after a 21 day period of not paying the fine you will be fined up to $50 and may need to see the court). The voter turn out in Australia is around 99.9% and I know how seriously they take it having a few friends across the ocean an in different countries from myself. Now imagine if the USA and Canada had a fine for not voting... I'm not too sure how that would be taken by the general public.
It's not just the USA who've been keeping up on this election and voicing opinions. Meanwhile on none other then the Democratic site of tumblr (a blogging site where almost everyone is a democrat or left wing on their spectrum and the most re-blogged post is 'Mitt Romney is an idiot pass it on') others from around the globe are listing posts such as;
'Dear America, if Romney is elected and you voted for Obama, Australia (or any country for that matter who the blogger is originally from) welcomes you with open arms'
It's quite cute really.
Democratic or Rebliblican, the USA has a decision to make and it's voting day today so I agree with those who say they'll wait and see what happens.

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