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This blog was created for a Media course as a way to hand in work and assignments by posts. Posts to this blog will consist of assignments and course work.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Canada favours Obama: In class assignment

1. Chose 3 articles from various papers on the American Election Day. Read the articles and give five reasons why you think Canada would prefer to have Obama as the commander and chief of the United States.
a) Canada's politics and parties falls more on the left specrum of the USA's spectrum
b) He invests more in Canada then the Rebublicans do
c) After Rebublicans commented on rape and 'legitimate rape' the women of Canada, and the men started to voice their objections as well as those in the USA (also the same for women's voting rights)
d)Canadians agree more with what Democrats are doing: 'Obamacare' like the Canadian Health Care plan established by the NDP Party
e)They support and help Canada's economy and aren't impulsive about wars or firearms.
2. Do you agree with the sentiment of Abigael the four year old girl who is tired of the focus of America on the election.  
I believe it can be taken various ways, what Abigale is trying to say through her teary actions. It can represent both Obama and Romney however all other viewpoints and interpretations aside, I do agree with the sentiment.
links to articles:
link for video:
Another post from tumblr and twitter: "It takes more then four years to change a country, you've been in school now for more then four years and you still don't know the different between you're and your!"
-Post about Obama after the hate he got on all his 'false promises'

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