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Wednesday 14 November 2012

Election and the news

1. Do you think someone like Karl Rove who has clear ties to Super Pacs and the republican party should be hired as a journalist for a news agency? 
I do believe everyone has a right to a job and the privilege of having it. I respect that papers and news channels have a biased opinion however I don't believe that they should be the ones broadcasted so close to election day and while the polls are running. I know if you were to volunteer for a Canadian election, the dress code rules are strict. If you wear a colour that represents a party, you're considered to be biased. 
2. News is supposed to be presented from an objective unbiased perspective, why was it in Karl Roves best interest to delay the call of Obama's election win?
They didn't believe Ohio was in the 'Romney Camp'. Given all the numbers and statistics, it was a legitimate call that Obama would take the state and the election since there was no way for Romney to catch up. He wanted to delay the call for fear they may come across as biased towards one side.

3. Why would Brian Williams state that Trumps tweet went from irrelevant to "irresponsible"?
A man in that position and that high a 'Celebrity Star" shouldn't be listing opinions as such because the outcome could lead to what it has turned out to be. Rage and fights calling Trump on the 'irresponsible' use of language and power and the others believing he was only voicing an opinion (however they also describe it as irresponsible)

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy," fumed the celebrity mogul.
Williams showed some of Trump's tweets on air, saying he had "driven well past the last exit to relevance and veered into something closer to irresponsible."


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