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Friday 23 November 2012

Conan 'Pushes the Envelope'

Talk show host Conan, is hosting the same-sex marriage of one of their costume designers and his partner on late night television when they film in New York. The opinions on this are various and both on the pro side and con side. Featured on the show recently when Conan made the remark that the media and news stations had picked up on their plans, he said that they all had their own perspective and opinion on it. Following directly after this they played a montauge of various news stations who'd comented on the 'to be' featured show in New York that Conan was 'pushing the evnelope of late night television' in practically the exact same words over and over again.
Asking now why this might have happened, what seems to be the most unanimous conclusion is that in a press release or press article made by Conan or the producers, the same phrase was used and when news writers were creating the review, they 'got lazy and just copied and pasted'. It seems to be the most legitiment conclusion. Same-Sex marriage seems to have blown up lately as such a big deal and I am a supporter of the LGBT comunity however I have yet to understand why it's such a big deal.
source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GME5nq_oSR4

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