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Monday 24 September 2012

50s to 2012: Comparing PSAs

It's surprising how much can change within a few decades; technology, media sources, lifestyles, economy and politics but no one thinks about how much dating and social life has changed as well. Usually things from the 50s or any decade before the 2000s is looked upon as cheesy as far as PSAs and dating life goes. Instead of texting a special someone to ask for a date like today, in the 50s (as shown in the PSAs 'Are You Popular?' and 'Dating: Dos and Don'ts') you would need to actually pick up the phone and call them- I know listening to someone's voice can be so alien in this day and age.
Today the position of rebelles and normal have flipped- at least they have in my perspecive and observations. Previously a rebel was your typical teenager today; a misfit who smoked, did the opposite of whatever they were asked or told and as mentioned in the 50s PSA, 'Parks in cars with all the boys'. Now today that discribes your typical impression of a teenager except replace 'parks in cars with all the boys'- in most cases that it- and fill the space in with sexting and texting. Your typical good girl/boy and average teenager of the 50s; someone who goes to school does the work, is polite on dates and doesn't think highly of the whole 'sexting' gig is more or less the rebel amongst peers. Strange? Yeah, kind of.
The information displayed in the MTV sexting quiz- 'A Thin Line' takes the side of advertising and selling pop culture back to teens. They use a fear factor like 'The Truth about Sexting' video by showing images and information about court cases and a worse case senario being jail, a fine and a mark on your record. It's a different yet similar technique that's used in the 'Dating; Dos and Don't' PSA where they showed three possible alternatives to a desission and in turn, which was the best one to make. While on the topic of 'how to ask a date out' they went from two worse case scenarios and reactions to a perfect -and rather cheesy- scenario.

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