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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Media studies: The Truth of sexting- media comparison

Six Questions to Ask about Any Media Message
  1. Who made - and who sponsored - this message, and for what purpose?
  2. Who is the target audience, and how is the message specifically tailored to them?
  3. What are the different techniques used to inform, persuade, entertain, and attract attention?
  4. What messages are communicated (and/or implied) about certain people, places, events, behaviors, lifestyles, etc.?
  5. How current, accurate, and credible is the information in this message?
  6. What is left out of this message that might be important to know?
A Thin Line (Quiz)
1. The quiz and website were made and sponsored by MTV and it's purpose is to educate teens on internet behaviour an consequences.   
2. The target audience is teens (both girls and boys)
3. Techinques used were language (in the questions texting language was used to engage the audience) colour (flashy colours that do attract the eye)
4. Messages that are implied are that every teen taking the quiz has a cell phone and is in a relationship, has been in a relationshiop or is interested in persuing a relationship. Only one questions though is implied that the taker of the quiz is hetrosexual, all other questions are neutral as to the taker's sexuality.
5. The website is current in my opinion, touching basis on cellphones, texting language andtypical relationship problems that are timeless.
6. Things that are left out or excluded of the message is teens without a cellphone, teens with a different sexulaity to hetrosexual and people who don't understand texting language.

1. The video and website are sponsored by Common Sense.org, a non profit organization and the video was made to educate parents and teens on 'sexting' and the possible consequences.
2. The target audeicne is parents and guardians as well as teenagers; the video at the beginning exclusivley says it may not be suitable for children. The language used in the video and the voice over are targeted towards parents because of the calmer demenor and educational tone that most teens tend to avoid. "Parents should remember..."
3. The different techniques used to engage and attract the viewer is the images and video clips mixed with the images and music videos of celebrities at the beginning of the video.
4. The messages implied in the video are that most teens are secretive and don't tell their parent/guardian about what they do and also that all teens are rebellious and up on pop culture and own a cell phone (which in many cases isn't the exact truth)
5. The message is fairly current in the aspects that they used modern celebrities (Rhianna) and clips from television shows (Glee) however the phones they were using are outdated and inspire laughs from a general group of teenagers rather then intent listeners.
6. Things that are left out are statistics- how often are minors caught with possession and how many cases have been sent to court?

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