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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Comparing Confidencials: Blue Jean vs. Sneakers

http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/blue_jean_confidential (link for blue jeans confidencial)

1. Compare the two Documentaries on Jeans and Sneakers. How did they present the trends in each product differently?What were the similarities and differences?
It's always been about the label in todays pop culture when buying merchandise, clothing and everyday goods. Watching Sneaker confidencial and Blue Jean confidencial, both made and produced by the same company confirmed that when going through the history of the basic product.
While Sneakers were used first really for sports and the olympics and blue jeans were the typical workmans wear, and now have evolved into the trendy street wear (and red carpet wear for some celebs) that they are today.
The similarities are that both fashion trends weren't a world wide hot trend that they are today. The differences, that Blue Jeans had a much more diverse and rollarcoaster of a history as far as the popularity and meaning of them went. While sneakers stayed pretty constan, only really changing in regards to the models, artwork on them and purpose, Blue Jeans have changed their symbolic meaning and herritage over and over again. At first the typical work pant, then popular in World War 2, then hot with the rebels and bikers and then popular with the teens and hippies before turning into the fenomenon they are now and today.
2. Were there alternative viewpoints expressed? Who were the voices of dissent?
The alternative viewpoint expressed in the sneaker confidencial was 'Barefoot Bob' who is a marathon runner believing that he was better off without anmy running shoes or footwear at all. Another alternative viewpoint in sneaker confidencial was the sports start who sold his shoe line for $15- believing shoes didn't need to be expensive and everyone should be able to afford them. There was no real alternative viewpoint in the blue jean confidencial- asides from the Japaneese company that made the traditional blue jeans without any fashion trends or additions.
3. What assumptions did the two documentaries make about the viewers?
The assumptions were that everyone wore blue jeans and everyone wore sneakers, everyone had enough money to the high end expensive product and everyone wanted the newest styles.

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