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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Sneaker Confidencial

Documentary link:http://vimeo.com/9719014
1. Why is sneaker culture so prevalent in North America?
Because it's a way to express yourself, catch up on trends and be a 'cool kid' on the catwalk, in school, down town or in the courts.
2. What are the various ways sneaker companies market their products?
Sneaker companies, like most companies, use celebrities as their main marketing form making thousands of kids, teens and adults all over saying "I want to be just like them." and grabbing their wallets to go get whatever it is their favourite celeb is wearing. Another way is advertising to the liking and preference of a general audience. The artsist are having more of a free range when it somes to the design of the shoe, putting on abstract art and lines, graffiti art and pop culture icons from television and general media.
3. Is there a big difference between sneakers that cost $14.98 and those that cost $9000? How do they differ?
The name is the main difference between cheaper and higher brands. Who's the celebrity endorser that is wearing the product around the streets? How many people want to be like them and buy their own pair of $500 sneakers?

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