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This blog was created for a Media course as a way to hand in work and assignments by posts. Posts to this blog will consist of assignments and course work.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

An Informed Perspective: Tumblr

While the rest of the world is on Facebook and Twitter for almost 20 hours of their lives, I am on Tumblr for nearly 26 (One of the topics is time travel, so it's totally possible). Tumblr is another social media website, created by David Karp and was designed for photo sharing along with the advantages of being able to post text, music, links and quote posts as well as being able to fully customize the layout of your blog to your personal taste. Tumblr has developed into something so much more, including so much more and it makes it such a usable website to such a wide audience, myself included.

I use Facebook for the games and the occasional status update and group planning event, as well as stalking my friends photos while they're on vacation, and I hardly use Twitter finding the character count is ridiculous to convey anything I want to say without needing to review and trim my original message. Tumblr!
On Tumblr you have your main categories of blogs: Personal/Hipster, Professional, Writing, Fandom. I happen to have all of them (Personal and Hipster being the same category, and mine being a personal blog).

A Personal blog is pretty much just you, you post what you want to post when you want to post it. This can include photos you find on the site and want to reblog, or just the most randomest things that make you who you are. A Hipster blog is filled with Galaxy print and crosses and meaningful text on random backgrounds. "They knew cool before it was cool". Fandom blogs and Hispter blogs have taken their two different sides of the spectrum of Tumblr, it's rather entertaining to listen to us squabble over things. (Another joy of Tumblr over Facebook and Twitter, this wouldn't be able to happen on those sites).
Professional blogs include artists, photographers, advertisers and people who own their own business and use Tumblr as their main website/blog. You can also find DIY blogs under this category and 'How Tos'.
Writing blogs are what I specialize in on Tumblr. In this category you will find yourself drenched in the world of literature, fan fictions, personal works and of course, Role Play blogs. This is where I get to have my fun and run away from reality along with millions around the world to interact with.
Finally Fandom blogs. Once entering the world of Tumblr, you are hit with Fandom blogs. You may imagine it's like a normal person walking into a hospital for crazy fangirls while the roof is on fire and slowly consuming the entire building (that's one of the Tumblr jokes). To sum up a Fandom blog, it's exactly what it sounds like. A fan blog for something. Usually these consist of television shows, movies and actors. The 'Big Three' of Tumblr is BBCs Doctor Who, BBCs Sherlock and Supernatural. Together, these create what Tumblr users call SuperWhoLock. Tumblr also hosts fandom blogs to other popular shows such as the Vampire Diaries, Glee, Elementary, Torchwood, Avatar and a whole lot more what would take more twitter posts than Facebook could handle. Movies include things such as Harry Potter, The Avengers (And pretty much Marvel and DC in all), The Dark Knight Trilogy, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and once again, many, many more. Fandoms on Tumblr post GIF files and still images of their favorite moments in their fandom seconds after it happened live on TV (this is a constant for Doctor Who).

That's it for the main blogs. There are still a lot more out there, but that's for you to find out. Tumblr's also a little underground, which is why so many people like it (Hipsters especially because they had a account before it was cool). The next story about Tumblr and the different kind of media you'll find on it is one of a more mature matter and closer to the heart then a show, movie, hobby or job you obsess over.

Tumblr is a community, an international one where I personally have met some of the most amazing people in the world (My 'Group of Seven' as we call ourselves consists of myself, another Canadian from Vancouver, a Scottish gal, two English peeps, a Swede and a Texan. You can say they're my best friends and we constantly have Skype chats with one another). It's also a support group. Constantly on my dashboard I will see posts about Suicide Hotlines and those who have either mentioned the thought or are seriously considering it. I've been effected by this personally by a friend who's had some trouble and she needed a friend, so a friend for her I became. People post about their life and you will either get one of two things, hate messages or messages saying to ignore them, look in a mirror and see how wonderful you are. Together the community of Tumblr likes to think they save lives, which they do.

Tumblr has become so much more than David Karp ever intended, but so did Facebook and Twitter when they were first standing up on their feet. You still find problems, because it's the internet, where are there not problems" But you find a lot of good things too. One of my favorite quotes in Doctor Who, which the Fandom blogs of Tumblr has pretty much voted as Tumblr's motto is:
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant. 
~Vincent and the Doctor (2010) 

The Home Stretch: Doctor Who

Media Text: Doctor Who

For those of you who have noticed a trend of personal interests on this blog, two of them include Doctor Who and Tumblr and for those of you who haven't, well, those have been two of my top personal trends to relate issues back to. 
Doctor Who was a Sci-Fi television show that first aired in 1963, on the 23rd of November. The show started off as something unique to the BBC and something not a lot of people were quite aware of, now of course today 'New Who'  (the series re-boot in 2005 by Russell T. Davies) is one of the most popular and well known shows on the BBC as well as BBC America. 

Doctor Who has received a lot of media attention this year especially due to its upcoming 50th Anniversary that is due to air November 23rd this year. The stars and featured actors have all been announced and this has both sparked joy and disbelief as only a few of the fans favorites will be making a return to the show. Along with this, the show has received a lot of discussion and debate among its fans as to what course the show it taking. Steven Moffat, the new writer and director of Doctor Who since Davies stepped down a few years ago, has taken the show to places some of the fans don't exactly agree with. The debates online discuss the meaning of the show, the plot points and the characters. Both sides are persuasive (I however am on the side that disagrees with Moffat's direction. Some of his plots are wonderfully constructed, but not as thrilling as the fire few in 'New Who' constructed by Davies and his team). The debate just makes the show more unique as it sparks creativity in its followers. 

Creativity. Doctor Who forces you to come up with theories for the mysteries the show has to offer, for example the current companion to the Doctor is Clara Oswin-Oswald a.k.a. 'The Woman Twice Dead'. She's dies twice at different points in the show and now she's back and alive. The theories as to how are extensive and nothing short of brilliant. The connections people have brought back from the original Doctor Who, the characters and relatable events show how timeless the show is and how nothing is ever truly over and done with. 

As for the Classic Doctor Who, I unfortunately can't voice an opinion as I've only seen a few episodes from the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) but I can see why the show has lasted this long. The writing has only gotten better (well, that's left for discussion) and the plots have gotten more intricate as the show continues. One of the timeless debates of the show, that has never really been settled although does have more weight on one side then the others, is who the best Doctor was. David Tennant's Doctor is one of the favorites from New Who and Tom Baker is the favorite from most Classic Whovians. Of all eleven actors who have played the Doctor, it's fair game when choosing who your favorite is, if you can choose a favorite that is... 

Doctor Who follows the rules of a traditional post-modernism Sci-Fi show as well as the benefits of breaking countless rules to bring thrilling plot twists that you didn't even known where being followed. In a somewhat linear perspective, to the companions, it's interesting to see if the Doctor ever comes at different points in his timeline (Example: With the Ponds, after they left, the Doctor traveled back to see them, which was one of the episodes prior to them leaving. So, we view the lives of the Ponds in linear perspective, but the Doctor sometimes goes back and forth). 

A show that inspires creative minds in its viewers and cosplayers is certainly one that will stand the test of time, especially since the main character is a Time Traveling alien from the planet Gallifrey. 

Friday 10 May 2013

College Boy

[Link to video can be found here]

1. College Boy a video by Quebec director Xavier Dolan has been viewed as controversial and offensive. Do you think it has gone too far in depicting school aged bullying? Explain.
I think it's meant for a more mature audience. I understand why people are regarding the video as controversial and offensive; reading some of the french comments below the Youtube video was very insightful to Quebec views. The message is clear as day in the video and the visual metaphors such as everyone wearing blindfolds extended the message to a territory few go to. Everyone is the bully if someone is the victim, whether you do it yourself, or do nothing about it. It's a very powerful message and looking at it from a religious perspective probably gave it more of a power push to that audience (The crucifiction of the boy was the offensive part, and I can see why with the message it sent out using Christ's image as well as the mature content and graphic image that follow). 
School age bullying, yes, this crossed a line that no one has crossed before. Is the message powerful? Yes. Should this video be played for schools? This is where another controversy lies. When looking at domestic violence and racial discrimination, the majority of the world is desensitized to it due to the content of shows on television and movies. I think it has gone too far along the lines of school bullying, but then again, there are more suicides from students who are bullied at school and suffer from mental illness then any other cause of death among the age group. 

2. What do you think people find particularly offensive about the video?
The religious references and graphic images int he video are offensive to an wide audience. Personally myself, I was unprepared for the graphic imagery of the student being beaten by the other students and the cricifiction of him. had I been prepared, I may have reacted differently but then the impact of the act would have been lost and the needing message of the video would have been dulled. The image of the cross and being nailed and tied to it was very graphic, which is what upset me. On the side of the religious figures, I can't say much. I'm not offended to the same extent that others would be by the imagery of Christ's image used in a controversial topic. I do like that the director went into no-man's land and used material that would create such a vivid and diverse discussion on a topic most ignore. 

3. Some people might have the perspective that the video sensationalizes bullying and makes the victim into a martyr. Define the two highlighted words and agree or disagree with this statement. 
Sensationalizes:  Present information about something in a way that provokes public interest and excitement in an exaggerated way. (Making events in a newspaper seem more vivid, shocking and devastating then they were)
Martyr: A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. 
I completely agree with the statement, whether I share it or not is another question. The video did sensationalize bullying in the generic sense. Most people are aware of the first part of the video, spit balls and paper thrown at you in class followed by names and the hallway shove and locker break in. What was exaggerated to the greater audience was the ending and the result of the boy being killed. It doesn't happen the way it was portrayed in the video in real life, but it does happen as well as the idea of turning the authority on the one who is the victim. 
I agree with the idea that the video was sensationalizing bullying to the wider audience, and the direct translation of the video makes the victim into a martyr, but looking at it with a broader mind, the message is looking at everyone (one of the topics discussed in the comments below the video)

I found reading the comments rather insightful and a wonderful view of Quebec attitudes about this. There is a thread going on with replies between eight people, three of them are on the side that it's controversial while the other five are relating it to different topics, issues, backgrounds, sexual orientations and beliefs and perspectives. If you understand french it's a wonderful discussion to read, if not, Google translate is a wonderful tool to assist you. 

Thursday 25 April 2013

BC NDP April fools Attack ad against their own leader

1. Do you think that the NDP April Fools attack ad, verses their own leader was an effective tool for drawing attention to the ridiculousness of attack adds?
Not at all, I think the idea of them poking fun at themselves and the political injustice that apparently comes hand in hand with elections now is nothing but Canadian. As a country, one of our greatest stereotypes is that we apologize too much and are able to laugh at ourselves for nearly anything. The fact that the NDP party can appreciate the puns and jokes that come with attack ads is entertaining and shows that their party is a little more humanized and are able to appeal to the public.Poking fun at their own leader, so far, hasn't shown to down them in anyway, if not it makes them the better party for not being so offensive towards the other parties. 

2. What makes this particular add effective or ineffective?

The NDPs are doing the work for the other parties by attacking themselves which is what makes this ad os amusing and so effective. Usually the idea of attack ads are repulsive to most Canadians and is shunned upon (for example, the newest Attack Ads against Justin Trudeau), the idea that they've twisted this is what brings attention to it. Overall, it's an effective way of marketing their leader and party. 

Found in 180 podcast 

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Post-Modernism: Blue Harvest

1) Family Guy is an example of a Post-Modern Cartoon. The episode Blue harvest is an excellent example of parody, use the Wikipedia link to list three of the cultural reference the episode makes besides the obvious one of Star Wars.
When introducing John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra, after playing the theme, they change upon request by Luke to 'The People's Court'. Another reference that appears is to the movie 'Airplane' when the group is fighting off a fleet of TIE fighters. "I just wanted to tell you both, good luck, we're all counting on you." (this one, I don't think, is mentioned on the wiki article) Thirdly, within the period of ten seconds, there are more than five different references made when all the call signs are signing in before the attack on the Death Star; Red 4 standing by, Red October standing by, etc. (This is one of my favorite parts of Star Wars to pick at; another one of my favorites is from a web series that continues this trend, setting up colours and having someone with a monotone voice come over and sign in as 'some other useless colour standing by'). (Since I gave two references that weren't on the wiki article  here have another one): Robot Chicken is referenced at the end of the episode when Peter and Chris are discussing how they did a Star wars spoof first, Chris is on the side of Robot Chicken (It's creator, Seth Green is the voice of Chris Griffin) and Peter (voiced by Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy) is obviously on the side of Family Guy. 

2) Do you think the many references that Family Guy makes add to the meaning of the show or are they simply small inside jokes? 
I believe this can be answered both ways. In some episodes, the references are nothing but asides and randoms that are there for nothing more than pure amusement, however with some of the other references, we have the broader view of knowing from which text it references; and in turn, is brings a new meaning to what the viewer is watching. For most of Blue Harvest though, I felt a lot of the references were clever asides that brought little to the Star Wars text. John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra was my favorite reference in the entire episode, I thought that was cute by poking fun at the original text as supposed to bringing something else in (along with the references to Danny Elfman and the reason TIE fighters have their name). 

Thursday 21 March 2013

Post-Modernism: The Simpsons 138th Episode

1) The Simpsons was one of the first Post-modern Cartoons, name three Key Aspects of Post-modernism that are evident in this episode. 
The most evident aspects are: Intertextuality, Parody and Satire and Non-linearity (after all, it was a review and replay of some of the best scenes and flashbacks to the first episodes)

2) Name some of the intertextual references that can be seen throughout this episode of the Simpsons.

One of the references in the episode was, Clue (to some extent) with the episode references to 'Who Killed Mr. Burns' when they reviewed hidden footage and the multiple animated reels they had to prevent any leaks of the real killer. Another reference in the 138th episode in particular was____________

3) It is said that Post-Modern texts are self-referential and self aware. Describe how this episode is self aware.
This episode in particular is self aware (self aware being the fact the show or text knows it's a text and/or show) because it starts off with none other than Troy Mcclure introducing himself as such and welcoming the live studio audience to the 138th episode. He narrates the episode and introduces the clips to us, the audience, throughout the episode and gives the fun facts about each one as they play.

4) Name two other cartoons that are influenced by the Simpsons.

There are more then two, that is for sure. Family Guy (along with American Dad, same creator) as well as Futurama (created by the same man who does the Simpsons). 

Post-Modernism: South Park

Choose three key aspects of Postmodernism and blog about how they apply to this episode of South Park. 

  1. Distrust: The episode we watched in class circulated around the topic of illegal downloading (and Christian Rock). The authority we see are the police, both in the station with the main interrogator along with the SWAT team (I think it was SWAT...). When introduced to the SWAT team, busting in through the windows after the boys downloaded a few albums illegally by the internet, they took them down, raised guns and loud voices- very much how it's always depicted in the movies. 
  2. Intertextuality: Erick in the episode, when writing the music for his Christina Rock band, took real song lyrics and crossed out a few words and replaced them with 'Jesus', 'Lord', etc. The song titles played in the ad for the album were all spoofs of very real songs 'Three Times My Savior', 'I didn't die yesterday', etc. 
  3. Currency: When the episode first aired in 2004, the illegal downloading of music was a serious problem and a huge issue. The contemporary theme of South Park, choosing to go after current topics and issues brings a new light in a parody way to the general public. As we laugh, we also start to realize (it's a little like George Carlin to me). 

Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Sweet Hereafter

1) Name three Key aspects of Postmodernism and explain how they apply to the film The Sweet Hereafter. The most evident aspect is the movie's non-linear timeline. Jumping from the present to the past to the future made the movie more dynamic and allowed for more opinions to be formed as well as more suspense to grow. The craftsman ship behind this was beautiful as there was next to no confusion on where you were in the timeline once they were all introduced. 
The second aspect, which lends to the reasons of why the movie travels back and forth from past to present to frequently in the movie, is the rejection of universality. First in the movie, we meet the Lawyer and his introduction to the story, continuing on to meet a few of the families. Proceeding this, we leave the present to return to the past and see the accident in the view point and perspective of one of the families (then this pattern is repeated with another family, the bus driver and then again with the young Protagonist). There is no Universal Truth in the movie since we are persevering the accident from multiple eyes and recollections from multiple minds. Of course what the father driving behind the bus saw from his car is nothing similar to what one of the children in the front of the bus may have seen. 
The third aspect which ties together the entire movie, being a constant to the narrator (our young protagonist), is intertextuality: borrowing or referring to other texts, often to bring new meaning to both texts. In The Sweet Hereafter the children's story book, The Pied Piper is the constant text referred to. It is the relationship of the protagonist to her father as well as the accident as a whole. The times at which the text are read by her as a narrator bring new meaning to the scenes. 

2) Why do you think the character Nicole Burnell (Sarah Polly), lied at the end of the film? What are various ways in which we ca defend the lie or do you think she tells the truth in the end?
I believed she lied (this is also my mind set looking at the scene once more through the mind of an anthropologist). Her reasons; protecting the relations that were still salvageable between the town members as well as saving herself from her father's pedophile nature. Her decision was noble seeing as she put herself in a position most would try to avoid, as well as put another innocent at fault (her testament said that she bus driver was going too fast) however at the end, we see her in the future 2 years later driving another tour bus with a happy ending. 

Monday 4 March 2013

Post- Modernism: Here There Be Dragons

1. Give one example of a Media Text that  was outlined in the article Post-Modernism Theory into Practice. 
The novel series, The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica: Here There Be Dragons written by James A. Owen. Fantasy.
The series is comprised of 7 books:
  • Here There Be Dragons
  • Search for the Red Dragon
  • The Indigo King
  • The Shadow Dragons
  • The Dragon's Apprentice
  • The Dragons of Winter
  • The First Dragon

2. Choose one key feature of Post-Modernism and explain how your media text is an example of that key feature.

The Novel series as a whole demonstrates the key feature of 'Intertextuality'. Intertextuality is Post-modern texts that frequently  refer to, borrow from, other texts, often for the purpose of bringing new meaning to both texts- the one referred to and the one referring. The contexts of the book and genre is fantasy, about a group of adventurers, for lack of a better word, who travel in the hopes and mission of keeping a book safe (one of the group is the protector and it is his job to guard the book- the Imaginarium Geographica). The characters themselves are revealed at the end of the first book (Spoiler alert!) to be the writers of the stories James A. Owen took bits from as a form of credit to them. The authors include JRR Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, CS Lewis, author of Narnia, and Charles Williams, author of War in Heaven.
Capturing the various species and characters that are treasured and beloved from the other series, Narnia especially with the fauns and talking animals, James A. Owen brought a new enjoyment to his series with the anticipation of seeing a character from another text and his interpretation of them. 

(Please Note: If you are a reader of this fabulous series, I apologize for the brutality of this explanation  I would love to go into an in dept analysis however, spoilers would be in every line. I do recommend this book and the series for any literature lover of fantasy or the texts and authors above.) 

Thursday 28 February 2013

Oxfam and Behind the Brands: Mondelez

1) Choose one of the big ten companies showcased in the Oxfam Behind the Brands website. What is its humanitarian score?
I found it more than difficult while scrolling through all the brands to find one that was over 50%. The grand total: 1, it's score being 54%. A pass, but still a fail to most. The company and brand I chose was Mondelez, specifically it's brand Cadbury. It's overall score is 29% leveling out to be 'Poor' on the scales the website has created. 

2) What areas did the company score the lowest points in?

Cadbury and Mondelez scored its lowest point in 'Land', its score being 1. With the score of 2, was 'Women' and 'Water' while the other 4 areas scored in 3s and 4s. 

3) What are the different methods that Oxfam has given you through the site to affect global market behaviors?
There is the link to send a message to Canada's governor to the World Bank, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. Another way is the petitions you can sign against various companies and actions they make as well as the option to join the GROW Campaign. 

4) How can you change the behaviors of large corporations?
Using today's media as an advantage, it's easy to spread the word via. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest or email. This gets you into forms and debate online which has a much wider audience on an international scale than it used to. There you can speak with people who share your concerns and spread the message around. 
Writing letters are always an option for more of an individual protest and way to voice your concern, however campaigns are usually more effective as the massive swarm of voices heard can make yours more than just an echo in an empty room. This works as more of a formal protest and respectable one however if a company continues to ignore the voices of their consumers, boycotting is an option as well as a public demonstration (no violence intended here, just a group of people showing what they care about- violence can turn your message the other way and lose you supporters). Phone calls are also an option, though old fashioned and rarely noticed. There are many ways to get in contact with companies, the CEO is the better figure to be in contact with as supposed to a representative as your message will go to the top right away. 

5) Put a link to the Oxfam site in your blog entry. 

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Reddit and Worldstarhiphop vs. Freedom of Speech

Read the two articles that criticize Worldstarhiphop and Reddit and answer the following questions.
Article Criticizing Reddit  ||  Article Criticizing Worldstarhiphop

1. How do we find a balance between free speech and hate speech on the internet? Should all websites have a moderator to censor content that is unfit for viewing?
Yes, I believe websites should have at least two or three moderators if I'm honest with myself. Through personal experience, being the host and moderator to a blog, I know that when stress builds up you can make impulsive decisions (mostly when hate comments come in, replying to them with a sassy attitude that doesn't really give a damn about what they say when really the question should be deleted) that hinder the effect and professional reputation a blog can have. In the last few months, I've recruited a co-host to assist me in what the blog was created for (It's a writing blog) and she and I both work off one another so we can continue the professional appearance the blog has. 
Regarding the articles: The people of the internet believe they can push the boundaries society has set concerning responsibility and rights and have managed to put both aside when it comes to posting opinions. As one of the most famous lines in Comic Books goes (Marvel's Spiderman- Uncle Ben), "With great power comes great responsibility". This I find applies to these situations. People with power believed they can say what they wish when in reality, this is far from the truth. If an article on the internet, or a video or any source material shows something that can be offensive to someone on a personal discriminatory level, I believe then that it is inappropriate and should be looked over by a moderator. 
2. Should there be a law banning people from uploading videos of abuse and illegal acts.

I believe there should be yes. However appealing to this matter on a different side, internet videos have helped multiple investigation services find those responsible for a crime or act. For example, there was a video a few years ago of a group of young men breaking into a car and smashing it up. Within 24 hours the police found and arrested each individual because they uploaded the video to Youtube. Now this is simply stupidity when trying to commit a crime in hopes to get away with it in my humble opinion. Looking back on my initial view though, the boys probably wouldn't have gotten the idea of break into the car in the first place if there weren't already videos posted on the internet of others committing the same act. The question has multiple answers, each with valuable facts and reasons behind them however mine remains at yes, there should be a law against posting videos and abuse and illegal acts to the internet. 
3. Does having sites like Worldstarhiphop and Reddit do anything to add to our culture and society or they simply a reflection of the darkest part of our society?

This question is a difficult one to answer, I believe there can be multiple ways to answer it, very much like the question above. It would be ideal to think they only show the darkest part of our society and contribute nothing to our culture however like most thoughts regarding such a matter, the ideal isn't the reality. The culture of 'hip-hop' has been taken far away from that of what I believe was the original intention. The videos on the internet and the articles and opinions posted spark a thought in others heads that think this kind of behavior is acceptable and right. This thought sparked creates the next set and generation of acts that follow along in their prior's footsteps, this being said, yes these acts today have and will add to our culture. 

Thursday 14 February 2013

Adbusters: Starbucks

 Starbucks was in the news in November of 2008 due to the concerns of environmentalists and those concerned over the world's fresh and clean water supply. Beside (or above, however your browser accepts this webpage) is an Adbusters spoof ad that I've made in Photoshop as part of this unit and assignment. The text reads: (Top) We'll waste the rest of the world's fresh water supply to give you the highest in sanitary heath standards in our mission to provide you with over priced coffee. As it's probably obvious, I'm not a Starbucks person. I much prefer Tim Horton's and a good University fund.
"A controversy erupted last week when a United Kingdom newspaper reported that millions of gallons of water was being wasted by Starbucks each day because of its policy of keeping taps running non-stop at thousands of stores around the world."
Was the first paragraph in the article from Greenbiz and was pretty much the sum up of the article. With the world's fresh water supply only being 10% and most of it being unattainable, are we really able to throw our precious resource away like this? Yes sanitary standards are a major concern, especially with big companies and corporations however the environment should take bigger claim over decisions than egos.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

American Apparel and Adbusters

1. Choose an article that is critical of the actions or behaviors of a major corporation or popular company or icon and post a link to your blog. 

2. What is the intended message of the article?

The intended message is to show the CEO of American Apparel's side of the mess that was created when American Apparel launched an ad after hurricane Sandy releasing a 20% off sale to the nine states most effected by the storm. The writer of the article does have some biased towards the situation however when the interview was conducted the replies given by Dov Charney are nothing but acceptable and empathetic. He does what he does and he apologizes in his own words while keeping a professional ere by saying "We've never claimed to be a perfect advertiser. Our heart is always in the right place. We’re just trying to bring a little value to everyone. It’s all about fun.". 

3. Are you surprised by the content of the article? Is there anything in the article that you were not already aware of?

I was surprised to hear the side of the CEO of the company and what he had to say on the matter. I was aware, being a shopper at American Apparel as well as having multiple friends who work in the stores on the floor and back in stock that the ads are said to ere on the side of pornography to some extent. "The clothing retailer, long criticized for using porn imagery to hawk underwear and T-shirts..."

4. How do you think you can change the original intended message of the company or to question the ideals of the company you have chosen?
The intended message of the company is generally classified as fashion and spreading it however the way they advertise is already enough to put people off without the need for controversy in the news. 

5. Post a link to a print ad that is currently presenting the companies image to the public.

Ad 1
Ad 2 (website- can see any ad posted)

6. Post an Adbuster spoof ad that is critical of the company.

The ad isn't necessarily a spoof but instead is a letter from Adbusters to American Apparel and in response a letter to the editor back from the company. 

Monday 4 February 2013


1.Cut and paste one spoof ad from Adbusters and explain the meaning of the Advertisement.

This ad speaks volumes about today's values and modern pop culture. Personally I can name every brand on the left side while only three leaves match a name in my mind on the right. The meaning is to say that we as people individual and as a society are cut off from nature and too far in deep with marketing and consumerism. Be it that we spend too much time in the city and shopping malls are taking over the trees and small parks within the downtown and greater area, or that we've lost the essential knowledge of nature the ad is effective.

2.How does the spoof ad change the original intended message of the company?
The spoof ad has the company logos drawn like an elementary school kid would as well as the leaves on the opposite side. It changes the logos to make them look more simple and reserved like the leaves and it shows just how recognizable they are that even if they aren't drawn full scale or colored like how we know them, they are still more recognizable than leaves we see everyday. For example, the leave that's in the top left corner is a maple leaf, what Canada's flag is known for and what we see every day. I asked the person next to me what it was and they couldn't tell me but they could tell me what the Nike symbol was right off the bat.
3. Do you think the  spoof ad is effective in making consumers question the original message of the company?
It does make you think twice about how we regard brands in today's society compared to the nature that is supposedly surrounding us. 
4. Do you agree or disagree with the sentiment of the spoof ad? 
I agree with the statement completely that we know pop culture more than we do nature and what surrounds us. 
Another ad that shows the same message, that we know modern irrelevant things that the media conveys almost 24/7 is this: Name the people we should be learning about for the things they've done vs. name the people we know for doing stupid things and being famous in today's pop culture. 

Thursday 17 January 2013

Ivory Wars: Last Stand in Zakouma (Presentation Preperation)

Documentary- Ivory Wars: Last Stand in Zakouma by Micheal Nichols and J. Micheal Fay

1. Describe the ways different people in the Documentary behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed. Replay an element from the film to support your opinion.
The various values first are positive and respectful towards the national park in Zakouma, the photographer finding the life beautiful as he travelled to capture it. However the tables turn in view point when the topic of elephant tusking is introduced and the poachers brought in as the main antagonist of the documentary and message. The values shown by the armed guards of the national park in Zakouma are the elephants safety seeing as it's their job to protect them and the boarders of the park. The values of the poachers waiting along the border for the elephants are money: The tusks of an elephant, the ivory in them will sell for quite a bit on the Black Market. (Guards not following and Poachers right on the borderline of the park waiting)
2.  How much do you agree or disagree with the ways in which they behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed? Explain your feelings and point of view by replaying an element to support your opinion.
I've always been disgusted of elephant tusking and shark finning, anything that involves killing something for one part of them and disposing of the rest in an inhumane manor. (We however as humans do this to the earth all the time so in someone else's point of view I could be considered a heretic.) The idea of greed to take away something’s life for one thing, and sell it out of greed for money isn't a value I agree with. There are more humane and honorable ways to make a living and killing isn't one of them.
(Quote about the poachers- "Expense is paid by the look in their eyes")
I do agree with protecting the elephants however I don't believe they need to be protected by humans, we've created a bit of a civil war on such matters as these don't you think? Human on Human. I completely disagree with the idea that the elephants are only protected when inside the park; if it was a mission to protect the elephants then the guards should travel with them instead of leave them when they move to find better food that the designated spot couldn't offer. (Replay part when guards don't follow elephants)

3.  Was there anything about the Documentary that was biased or omitted? If there was, why do you think things may have been left out?
The side of the poachers was left out, most likely to make them the antagonist in the viewer's eyes and create a loving mutual bond with the elephants featured.

4.  How did things like music, lighting, editing, statistics, expert opinions, news footage, celebrity opinions, testimonials (characters directly addressing the camera) and the various conventions of documentary affect your opinion of what you were viewing? Replay an element from the film that demonstrates one of the conventions of documentary film making.
The music played when the elephants were being featured was more of a contemporary jazz___ There weren't any real testimonials or celebrity opinions however the editing and the graph of the elephants trail was a rather engaging aspect and part of the documentary. It was neat to see the red dots travel so far and the weekly markers come up but then the dots stopped and started blinking in one spot, you didn't need the commentary to realize that it meant the elephants had been found and killed. (Replay area) It engaged to a level of intensity, almost like a video game to me. I was fascinated, always hoping they'd turn back to safety but test the limits of how far freedom would let them live until finally it was game over with no restarting the level or going back to the last checkpoint. The use of lighting and editing on the images of the animals and wildlife brought them beauty and dazzle while the images of the poachers used that are slightly out of focus and blurred around the edges with poor quality show the side they want to expose of them. (Replay example)

5.  What is the overall message of the documentary? Is the message effectively conveyed to the audience? Choose one point in the film that demonstrates effective communication of the overall message.
The overall message of Ivory Wars is raising awareness of the situation and to further the cause to stop it. The final quote of the documentary is:
"Zakouma's future as a wildlife refuge depends on the continuing dedication of its guards. And support from the outside world." And gives a bit of a push, like most documentaries with a cause to promote it or do something yourself to assist with the situation.

Photograph by Michael Fay

Monday 7 January 2013

Remember These Days Seltzer Man: Documentry

1. Describe the ways different people in the Documentary behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed.
The seltzer man in the documentary, who was the featured character valued his family as well as tradition and his work. Constantly speaking about his Grandfather and his Father at the beginning of the documentary, he introduced the fact that he was continuing with their work, going on the same route and using the same 90 year old bottles.

2.  How much do you agree or disagree with the ways in which they behaved, or the kinds of values and beliefs they displayed?
How he behaved was very inspiring, how dedicated he was to his work was admirable however when it came to the topic of his current family, his wife who was only mentioned once and his boys who were mentioned a few times, it was rushed. When his first kid was born, he said he was there at the hospital and then when he saw his boy all clean up and pretty, he had to leave and finish his route. The values of his past family were strong and well spoken of but when on the topic of his current family, it seemed his work outweighed them, or at least this is how it came aross in the documentary.

3.  Was there anything about the Documentary that was biased or omitted? If there was, why do you think things may have been left out?
Back to the topic of family, he barely spoke about his wife. His kids were mentioned a few times, when he spoke briefly of his first childs birth and then again on them taking over the business if they wanted to. His wife was only mentioned the one time though, besides that left out. His work was the main focus of the documentary and that was the only side of him we received. Yes we got some of his family life but that was all connected to his work and his values of the saltza and the bottles.

4.  How did things like music, lighting, editing, statistics, expert opinions, news footage, celebrity opinions, testimonials (characters directly addressing the camera) and the various conventions of documentary affect your opinion of what you were viewing?
The artistic aspects of the documentary and the different techniques used such as lighting, filming and music brought a mood, quality and respect to the film. The most noted example was the filming of the bottles, when they were being cleaned and stored. The angle was a simple pan shot that blurred out the background and showed a crystal clear bottle with clear reflections and proper lighting. It brought a beauty to them that appeared over and over again. The music in the documentary was simple and not over used. The first example was moreso at the opening when the jazzy tune brought in the swing of the route when showing him in his truck while the last clip of music was more sudude and meaningful as it brought in the finals words.

5.  What is the overall message of the documentary? Is the message effectively conveyed to the audience?
The overall message of this documentary is family, respect and tradition. [Everyone wants someone knew, but these bottles have been here for 90 years and this world works on stability] is the just of what he was saying. On the topic of cellphones and how his kids always wants what's new, he brought in the idea of the bottles and how even though they aren't as new as they were, there are still people who depend on them and need them.